Healthy soils

Healthy plants

Healthy animals
Agronomy Services
Agronomist Damien Timbs focus on offering practical, cost effective pasture/crop management advice.
Research has shown that simple changes to pasture management practices can have dramatic impacts on profits. One pasture management project in Tasmania saw pasture utilisation increased by more than 40%, liveweight production per hectare by 73% and farm profit by 250%. (Profit from improved pasture skills, Meat & Livestock Australia, 2008).
Our benchmarks:
- to grow 15kg of dry matter per mm of rainfall vs the New England average of 7kg of dry matter per mm of rainfall
- produce 1kg of live weight gain per hectare per mm of rainfall vs the New England average of approximately 0.3 kg of live weight gain per hectare per mm of rainfall
Productive Pasture Solutions can help farmers and graziers make the right decisions to ensure the cost of improving pastures is money well spent.
Agronomy services offered:
- Soil and plant tissue testing
- Farm planning
- Paddock planning
- Pest, weed and disease management
- Pasture/crop selection
- Fertiliser selection
- Troubleshooting